
Sanjaya Vs. Leafoffaith

Sanjaya strikes again. Sanjaya, still singing on Idol.. while Stephanie Edwards, definitely one of the strong (and better) competitors on Idol was casted off...

I dont like Sanjaya when it comes to singing.. but I must admit he has a great smile. A charmer. But hey... Idol is a SINGING competition right? He can go here in the Philippines and join Pinoy Big Brother... for sure.. patok yang patweetums nya dito.
One time when I was watching Idol.. and when Sanjaya was onstage... Naalala ko si Calix... Baka long lost brother nya ito. hehehe.
heheheehehe. O db?! Metal Sanjaya yan. WALANG PANAMA SI SANJAYA JAN. (pwera lang dun sa curly tops) hhehehehhee.
peace tau lix. namiss lang kita. :D

1 wishful thoughts:

Hector Bryant L. Macale said...

hahahaha! alang panama si pop sanjaya sa heavy riffs ng bahistang c metal sanjaya. pero alang panama ang metal sanjaya sa curly hair ni pop sanjaya. so 1-1 lang ang score.

pucha, naalala ko nung ako ang kino-compare ng pulpcomm sa isang AI loser. hrmph.

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