
Something is Missing

Have you ever had that moment when you missed someone so much that by the time that see them, you get caught up with your overwhelming emotions that you begin to pick a fight?

I do. and i hated it. i dont know what got into me and did that.. I am the kind of person that is not comfortable telling someone " I MISSED YOU".. because most of the time saying this will blow things out of proportion.. and i dont want that. i also dont like to tell someone i miss them/ or i'll be missing them.. because i dont want to feel vulnerable at the far end of the line. it happened to me once a looong time ago.. and i, for sure don't want to feel that way again. I want to be careful now and it drives me crazy... actually.. i have no idea why i'm so affected by this.

They say that it's good to be missed. But do they have any idea of the feelings of the person that is missing someone? They feel incomplete. because something is missing. and it frustrates them on what to do with that feeling..

Maybe im acting like this because i only know what it feels like to miss something.. and not to be missed by you.

i would like to apologize to you for behaving like that earlier this day.
im not mad. im frustrated. i missed you.

0 wishful thoughts:

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