
Half FOOL / Half Empty

I dont have a problem.

Just because I drink more alcohol these past few days does not mean that I am carrying a heavy load. ( of course, not literally you idiot!)

I want to see those booze flowing in.

Being sober for months can be a bit boring... A couple of shots/bottles a day won't be thaaat bad right?

I found my Smirnoff by accident.

* --- *

Someone very dear to me is getting married (and I am not supposed to tell anybody because I am the only one who knows about it for now...)

I was shocked.. the same time happy *FINALLY*


Someone's coming home very .... VERY... soon.

I am scared.

I don't have a problem guys... really..

I mean...

Come on..

Oh .. Ok...

Just let meeee finish this drink.

*for Ate Pam, Karla, Sparkle, Ruth, Len, Jess
Don't worry about it. I can manage. (I think..)

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